Tackling Sensual Health Issues to Promote Improvement
The inability of a person to attain penile erection during intercourse is medically termed as erectile dysfunction or ED. This age-independent ailment can cause severe psychological problems in men because it directly affects his confidence and level of self-esteem. Though ED was once considered a natural consequence of aging or the results of some mental distress, the matter has its roots in physical problems quite its link with the psyche of the individual and it is also an incontrovertible fact that men can lead a traditional sensual life with no ED even in their elderly age. Sensual Health IssuesWhen a person fails to possess an erection during intercourse a minimum of the time, it might be called that he is affected by sensual health problem. Causes for ED can have both physical and medical origin, over and above psychological factors including depression, anxiety and relationship problems. The medical reasons for....