Understanding your Impotence cause to get the Best Treatment
Sensual dysfunction is a major danger to the sensual life. Sensual interaction is the element that makes romantic relationships sparkle. It adds thrill and fills one with the passion to live. Impotence is the inability to achieve and/or sustain an erection. For years, men we who were suffering from this illness have lived with frustration. Our desires and passions suffer. This illness in today's day and age is in most cases is completely curable. The best treatment options are oral medication. Causes of Impotence There are several factors for the condition. The factors responsible can be psychological or physical: age factor, diabetes, medical condition, side effects of illicit drugs, stress, performance anxiety, cardiac problems, psychological factors, etc. Other causes: 1) Unhealthy lifestyle: Those who have the habit of drinking or smoking excessively may suffer from impotence. The consumption of alcohol might reduce sperm count. 2) Medication: Impotence can also be....